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It came from Linksville!


Starman Jr.
Cruise Missile for under $5000
I stare out into the light from the darkness, only to wonder what it is I'm missing. Fear not what can be seen in the light of day, but what lurks in the dark and can not.


Starman Super
Along the lines of Joey's post on page 2, I present yet another chat log.
Or why not have your own wierd chat experience with N.I.C.O.L.E.?
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Super
More random links!
I'm addicted to Sodaplay, even though all I can manage to make are writhing spasmic masses...
Deep ASCII (mature content advisory, but interesting nonetheless)

Man, I need a life...
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman DX
Someone needs to make a way of putting those ascii films onto gba :) It's so amazing.
"Hey, you! If you meet a beautiful, seductive woman who's looking for me, tell her 'hi.' Anyway, I don't think a woman like that would be looking for me." -Guy in Fourside Hotel


Starman Super
Well, if you could find them in media format, I'm sure you could get something to play them with...
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Super
Just think about the possibilities of this...
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Super
Thats awesome! Haha, Does it accure to all of you that Tyler will be transfering not 30 gigs now.. but roughly 3000 gigs?

Its going to be sweet when it actually becomes completed, but... I don't doubt its not going to be... well.. Cheap.
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.


Starman Jr.
buahhaha, score.... eastlink will have to make new rules for me ;) hmmmm 5 seconds vs 2 hours hmmm you do the math :)
more then 3000 gis im sure. *Chomp* id be willing to pay 60 bux for that.
I stare out into the light from the darkness, only to wonder what it is I'm missing. Fear not what can be seen in the light of day, but what lurks in the dark and can not.


Starman Super
I think the possible monthly transfer would measure into the dozens of terabytes range. This would redefine the internet as we know it, not to mention redefine the limits of piracy ;)

Remember Noel, this technology uses the hardware already in place. The changes are in terms of server software. So actually, nothing about what you do will change. You won't be subscribing to any new services. Companies like Eastlink, however, may increase their charges as a result. We'll see what happens...
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Super
Well thats what I mean, Its not going to be cheap, Prices will probably go up from 40-50 that they are now, up to maybe 60-70. Remember, your transferring almost 6000 times the rate. Companies will see this as a great "Money Machine". Eastlink amoungst others will no doubt charge more for their services.
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.