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Happy Birthday Mike


Starman Super
Haven't seen ya in a while, but have a great birthday. I will allow you to play Risk at Christmas when you come've learned your lesson!
Eagles may soar, but weasels don't get sucked into jet engines


Starman Super
Happy Birthday Moik
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.


Starman DX
Yeah, Happy b-day man. I couldn't believe it was actually your birthday, but maybe you always kept it secret!? We'll get ya some year I tells ya!
"Hey, you! If you meet a beautiful, seductive woman who's looking for me, tell her 'hi.' Anyway, I don't think a woman like that would be looking for me." -Guy in Fourside Hotel


Starman Super
Three member birthdays in the span of six days... fourside is ruled by scorpios.
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Jr.
I think I'm a little late, but happy belated birthday Moik.
I stare out into the light from the darkness, only to wonder what it is I'm missing. Fear not what can be seen in the light of day, but what lurks in the dark and can not.


Starman DX
Happy B-day Moik!
I'm the latest


Starman Super
Oh no you're not! Happy Birthday Moik! PWN3DZ0RD!!1one!1
You! Invaders! Get You the Hot Bullets of Shotgun to Die!


Starman Super
From Steven to Andrew, you should all feel ashamed of yourself. Poor Moik is probably crying at home going "They missed my birthday! Those fagtards!".

You all screwed up once, why not keep yourself from screwing up again and shoot yourselves.
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.


Starman DX
Please stop trying so hard Noel...
"Hey, you! If you meet a beautiful, seductive woman who's looking for me, tell her 'hi.' Anyway, I don't think a woman like that would be looking for me." -Guy in Fourside Hotel


Starman Super
Birthdays are for fags.

Mom got me cake though.

So it's all good.

(You should see the cake, it's hardcore)

Yes, I like not telling people about my birthday, I do keep it secret. I find birthday festivities gay. It's the most pointless concioevable celebration. "Wow, I'm older in a specific whole unit for a day. Why do we waste time and money fixating on this?"
Hyper-advanced aliens might not have to send their interstellar battle fleet to conquer Earth, it might only take three bored undergraduate aliens with borrowed lab equipment.