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test Yer IQ Today!


Starman Jr.
Link Hope you enjoy this 2 page waste of your time... on the flip site its a great way to waste like 20 minutes of your life.
I stare out into the light from the darkness, only to wonder what it is I'm missing. Fear not what can be seen in the light of day, but what lurks in the dark and can not.


Starman Super
My IQ score is 127, which is apparently the average IQ of a University graduate, and my intellectual type is Visual Mathemetician.
Hm, well, superior skills in mathematics and spacial reasoning, that makes sense.

Thanks for the ego boost, Tyler!
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman DX
Wow, I got 127 as well... and so did Tyler, and everyone on the forums he goes to... either we're all really alike, or this IQ test isn't very accurate.

(I'm betting on the latter.)
"Hey, you! If you meet a beautiful, seductive woman who's looking for me, tell her 'hi.' Anyway, I don't think a woman like that would be looking for me." -Guy in Fourside Hotel


Starman Super
I'm betting on the inaccurate bit too, since I sent the link to Brent (super genius) and he got 127 as well. At least the intellectual part varies.
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.


Starman Jr.
actually people in the forums Im on ranged from 100 up to 147, but isnt a very good IQ test
I stare out into the light from the darkness, only to wonder what it is I'm missing. Fear not what can be seen in the light of day, but what lurks in the dark and can not.


Starman Super
Agreed, the majority of the answers were fairly obvious, and that's not just because I'm a smart guy.

The test also seemed very short. I've done official skill tests before (CAPS, COPS, etc.), and they were dozens of pages.
I'm no hero. Never was, never will be. I'm just an old killer, hired to do some wet work.