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Quest for Steve


Starman Super
(insert really devilish emoticon picture here)

I e-mail Ariel De4dEyE's bio on cherryredexpress, re fakers which she has a whole section.

I should be able to get confirmation on either side soon.

[Editddendum: De4dEyE had been in and out of the forum the whole time the thread was going on without making any comment on it whatsoever. Shortly after my posting of the link De4dEyE finally made a post stating that she "wasn't posing as her, it was all just a joke." Someone else I had sic'd on the subject went at the task the reverse way, by looking for De4dEyE anywhere she would appear online. This same deadeye uses the exact same persona everywhere and has maintained to be that person in the past on other forums. Even her MSN profile apparently faked being Ariel. SURE it was just a joke De4dEyE, SURE it was just a joke.]
Hyper-advanced aliens might not have to send their interstellar battle fleet to conquer Earth, it might only take three bored undergraduate aliens with borrowed lab equipment.