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young snake


Starman Jr.
as you probably know by now the tokyo game show trailer of metal gear solid 4 came with "suprise" at the end in the form of another, younger snake that appears to be the hero we all know and love from previous metal gear games.

I put suprise in quotations because i wasnt suprised at all. I'm still holding on to my theory that the grey haired mustache man is big boss, mostly because of the close quarters combat stance.(snake does not use cqc and hates blades) but yeah, the old guy has two eyes, and yeah, big boss died in metal gear 2. whatever, he suposedly died in the first one and liquid is currently running around messing with the patriots using ocelots body, so this is still pretty plausible. unless the young snake is actually big bosses biological child(not a clone)

sure, maybe snake did age really really quickly, grow a stache and suddenly learn the intracacies of close quarters combat. but i highly doubt. pretty sure....its just big boss with a new eye. kthnx bye.
"when I think about my DS, I touch myself"


Starman DX
Please link to video I haven't seen it yet!!!
"Hey, you! If you meet a beautiful, seductive woman who's looking for me, tell her 'hi.' Anyway, I don't think a woman like that would be looking for me." -Guy in Fourside Hotel


Starman Jr.
here ya go, feast your eyes on this. gameplay looks amazing but not overly different from previous games. I guess their will be some sort of over the shoulder veiw when shooting ala resident evil or splinter cell, and firing from a prone position on your back looks pretty fun.
"when I think about my DS, I touch myself"


Starman Super
I've heard abit of speculation about this as well. People were thinking that the old man is Sold Snake, and the new younger version is another clone of big boss or even a clone of Solid Snake, since Snake was suppose to be everything genetically good about Big Boss it stands to reason they'd make a clone of him instead of Big Boss.
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.


Starman Jr.
i still dont even understand where the heck solidus came from, and i've played mgs2 a bunch of times. I guess i'm just unobservant and too lazy to follow the convulted plot of that game.
"when I think about my DS, I touch myself"


Starman Super
I'm pretty sure that Solidus was just Big Boss's seed implanted into some woman. Since he wasn't part of the "Le Efant Terrible" project, as far as I know.
"We're not retreating, we're advancing towards future victory!" - Sarge, Red vs. Blue web series.


Starman Jr.
according to wiki and a few other sources, solidus WAS part of les enfants terrible.(i have a hard time believeing this) It's this new "young snake" that i was speculating to be big bosses biological son. But honestly i prefer to believe that its really just regular old solid snake, and the old guy is big boss. as for solidus, I dont give a rats ass, he was the least interesting character in the series and a big mistake on kojimas part as far as i'm concerened.
"when I think about my DS, I touch myself"