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Bear in mind


Starman Super
Member Jan 14th 8:49 PM
Diocletian, if it weren't for you, everyone else might have been a little smarter.

See, energy can neither be created nor destroyed. Though matter and energy may change places, there is only so much of it in the universe.

Your body, and more specifically, your gargantuan brain, are composed of mc^2 joules of energy. If you were, say, 80 kg, that's 7.19 exajoules. EXAjoules. 7.19 x 10^18 joules.

That's a lotta joules you're hogging there.

The average human brain is 1.3 kg, and contains about 10 billion nerve cells.

The population of the world is approximately 6.3 billion people.

If you were 80 kg and your mass was spread out amongst the brains of the people of the world, instead of being used for your birth and growth, the people of the world could have an extra 13 micrograms of brain matter. Proportioned out, that's an extra 100 brain nerve cells for each person.

If you are obese, perhaps we could have all had as much as 30 extra micrograms of brain matter, and over 200 extra brain nerve cells.

But no, you had to go and be born. Thanks a lot.
Hyper-advanced aliens might not have to send their interstellar battle fleet to conquer Earth, it might only take three bored undergraduate aliens with borrowed lab equipment.